House Mountain Review
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
About House Mountain Review:
House Mountain Review welcomes unsolicited submissions of innovative, aesthetically-diverse poetry and visual art during two open reading periods: 1 April - 15 June for Fall, and 1 October - 15 December for Spring. Submissions received outside of these dates may be considered for the next open reading period. Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, provided that authors notify HMR immediately when a piece has been accepted elsewhere.
House Mountain Review obtains First North American Serial Rights to publish written work. Upon publication, all rights revert back to the author. As a courtesy, we ask that you acknowledge House Mountain Review as the place of first publication for any subsequent publications of the work.
A reading fee of $3 directly supports the production costs for the journal. Multiple submissions are welcome, but each submission must be accompanied by its own reading fee.